This project provides some utility classes enabling the use of Crossmint wallet with the Logion client.
Note that only message signature is supported. So you will be able to authenticate and interact with logion off-chain services, but not submit extrinsics to the logion chain.
Install package @logion/crossmint
with your favorite package manager and start signing content using the extension.
import { CrossmintSigner } from '@logion/crossmint';
const crossmint = new CrossmintEVMWalletAdapter({
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
chain: BlockchainTypes.ETHEREUM, // Only Ethereum is supported for the moment
const address = await crossmint.connect();
if(!address) {
throw new Error("Unable to connect to Crossmint");
const signer = new CrossmintSigner(crossmint);
const account = ValidAccountId.ethereum(address);
let authenticatedClient = await client.authenticate([ account ], signer);